On Monday 21 March 2016, Alasdair Allan MSP for the Western Isles visited Comunn Eachdraidh Nis as part of a series of MSP visits to museums organised by Museums Galleries Scotland. The museums national development body has invited all of Scotland’s MSPs to champion their local museums by experiencing first-hand their achievements and challenges.


On the visit Dr Allan also presented Comunn Eachdraidh Nis with their certificate of accreditation from Museums Galleries Scotland.


MSP Alasdair Allan, said:

“Comunn Eachdraidh Nis is a wonderful asset for the North of Lewis and it is always a pleasure to visit. I hear nothing but praise for how helpful the staff are and for the work the organisation does in the community. They also do a fantastic job in promoting the Gaelic language, as shown by their success in winning Gaelic Business of the Year a few years ago.


“Our islands are steeped in tradition and culture and we should appreciate the work that places like Comunn Eachdraidh Nis carry out to preserve this for future generation.”


Annie Macsween, Chair, said that Comunn Eachdraidh Nis is delighted that Dr Allan has visited the historical society at the request of Museums Galleries Scotland.  The community had been saddened by the closure of Cross School in 2011, but shortly afterwards, Comunn Eachdraidh Nis, which had been established in 1977, was able to secure ownership of the building and has developed it into a vibrant community historical and educational hub, catering for people of all ages and from all over the world.


Thuirt Cathraiche Comunn Eachdraidh Nis, Anna Nicsuain:

Tha sinn uabhasach toilichte gun tàinig An t-Oll Ailean a dh’fhaicinn na tha Comunn Eachdraidh Nis air a dhèanamh on ghluais sinn a-steach dhan togalach seo agus gun do dh’iarr Museum Galleries Scotland air tadhal oirnn.  Ged a bha sinn brònach gun deach Sgoil Chrois a dhùnadh ann an 2011, chan e a-mhàin tasglann agus taigh-tasgaidh a tha againn ann an seo a-nis ach goireas foghlaim air leth – dhan h-uile aois, agus tha e na àite cruinneachaidh do mhuinntir na sgìre, luchd-turais agus ar càirdean bho air feadh an t-saoghail.


Joanne Orr, CEO of Museums Galleries Scotland, said: “Museums play a vital role in the lives of individuals, families and communities across Scotland. Their learning and outreach work bridge inequalities in education and mental and physical health provision. They enhance the experience of visitors to Scotland and bring a positive economic impact. They connect people with their community.”


“As difficult decisions are being made about budgets across the country it is vital that the true value of the sector is understood and that is why we have organised these visits.”


MGS delivers strategic development support to a sector of over 450 museums and galleries. MGS will be visiting other museums and galleries with MSPs across Scotland over the coming months.

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