Further pressure on government to act on 2p electricty surcharge

heb logoHighlands and Islands Labour MSPs, Rhoda Grant and David Stewart, have welcomed SSE’s efforts to contact the new Energy Minister, Amber Rudd, asking her to introduce a national pricing policy for electricity.  The MSPs have also written to Ms Rudd asking for the introduction of such a policy which would eradicate the unfair 2p surcharge which badly affects SSE’s customers in the north.


Commenting today, Mrs Grant said “I have been campaigning for a national pricing policy for some time now.  It is vital that this unfair anomaly is rectified as soon as possible as the present pricing policy is grossly unfair on customers who live in the north of Scotland who are charged an additional 2p surcharge because of the costs of distributing electricity throughout the north.


Mrs Grant continued “It should not be forgotten however that while government is required to change the legislation surrounding this issue, SSE could reduce the cost today if they so wished.


David Stewart said “I am pleased this matter continues to be brought before government.  Rhoda Grant and I wrote to the new Chair of the Energy and Climate Change Committee, Western Isles MP Angus MacNeil, last week to see what his Committee intends to do to rid the Highlands and Islands of this unfair charge.”

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