Prince Charles backs the relevance of Gaelic throughout Scotland

Prince Charles has highlighted his views about the relevance of Gaelic in the Caithness area while attending the Royal National Mod taking place in Thurso.

The first Mod in Caithness was not opposed, but there have been recent arguments against public spending on bilingual English/Gaelic road signs in the area.

“Communities of a nation”

Place names in the far north are said to have more links with Norse heritage.

Addressing the Mod, Prince Charles said he would question suggestions that Gaelic has no direct relevance to Caithness.

He said: “The suggestion has been made that the language has little, or no, direct relevance in this part of the world.

“If I may, I might just gently question that view.

“I would suggest Gaelic, like any other language or culture, belong to all the people and communities of a nation whether or not they are actively involved with it.”

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