HISCG agencies advise the public of the Highlands and Islands there is no need to panic buy fuel

In light of recent events and the possibility of strike action in relation to the ongoing fuel dispute multi-agency partners from the Highlands and Islands Strategic Co-ordinating Group are keen to reassure the public that it is “business as usual” at the petrol stations.

Northern Constabulary can confirm that fuel supplies are continuing and are being distributed as normal. Contingencies plans are in place should the situation change. The message is that there is no need to “panic” buy.

The Highlands and Islands Strategic Group is meeting regularly and liaising with fuel distributors across the Highlands and Islands, in order to ensure the public is updated if and when there are any changes.

Highlands & Islands Fire & Rescue Service would advise people not to store large amounts of fuel in garages or domestic premises due to the increased risks to occupiers and firefighters. Petrol is a dangerous substance which, when present can dramatically increase the risk of fire and it is recommended that any storage of petrol is kept to a minimum.

The service would urge all members of the public to focus on their own safety at all times and advise all persons who are considering storing fuel on their properties to comply with the following advice:

* Do not fill a container more than the capacity printed on the label

* Do not store petrol inside a domestic premises

* Store petrol in a place that is not part of or attached to a building used as a dwelling

* Petrol must be stored in approved plastic or metal containers of the sort that can typically be purchased from filling stations

* You can store up to 30 litres of petrol in two, appropriate 10 litre metal containers and two, appropriate 5 litre plastic containers.

NHS Highland is continuing to run services as normal. The Health Board is monitoring the situation and has business continuity plans in place to cover all eventualities.

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