Five candidates for Stòras Uibhist election

Five candidates have submitted their names for election as Directors for Sealladh na Beinne Mòire, the community company that owns South Uist Estate and its trading arm, Stòras Uibhist Ltd.

In 2010, 85% of Members participated in the postal ballot that is conducted by Electoral Reform Services (ERS) and a similarly high turnout is hoped for this year.

ERS will distribute the ballot papers for the election, which will run from June 6th to June 23rd. Members are encouraged to complete and return their ballot papers to Electoral Reform Services, in the reply paid envelopes, as soon as possible to ensure they arrive in time to be included in the count. ERS will count the returned votes and notify SnBM of the result by Friday June 24th.

Angus MacMillan, Chairman of Sealladh na Beinne Mòire, said: “We are pleased to have five strong candidates standing for election this year, who all have skills and knowledge that can contribute to delivering the objectives of community ownership. The continued support and input from the Members is essential to the success of the company and we would encourage all Members to participate in the postal ballot over the next few weeks.”

Huw Francis, Chief Executive said: “Since 2009 a total of fifteen people have stood for election and one person has been newly elected to the Board each year. With two vacancies on the Board, there will be at least one new Director joining the company again this year, as Martin Matheson has decided not to re-stand for election after almost five years service.”

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